The meaning of words often tends to transform with time. Take the words cool or Gay or bad. This has obviously happened with fair and balanced. When applied to the media it used to mean an objective presentation of all the facts. Now it means (after the President complains):
Never question or challenge the President.
Even if he lies in order to take the Country into war, even if he exposes CIA agents to keep opponants quiet, even if he spies on Americans without a warrant; don't question him.
Don't show Dead Soldiers carried off a plane or report the causality numbers.
After viewing the CBS news coverage of the Senate Judiciary Hearing on January 11th it is obvious we have even another meaning.
When reporting on a confirmation hearing for a pivotal seat on the Supreme Court,
Never stress the important decisions that Justice will make!
Never discuss his past opinions and record.
Never discuss the fact that he refuses to provide answers to troubling questions about his past record.
Never dwell on the fact that a Justice cannot be removed and is on the Court for life (no matter how much he might mislead the Senate).
CBS's interpretation of fair and balanced obviously goes beyond this:
Do show the conflict and tempers.
Do show crying wives.
Do blame Democrats for persisting in requesting answers to questions that other Justice nominees have provided.
Do assume taht they would never want these answers but for the pressure of special interest groups.
Do blame the bully boy Democrats for making little girls cry.
This is a serious appointment. Liberty and lives are at stake and America has the right to know. This is far more important than the hurt feelings of Alito or his wife. If the media refuses to provide real fair and balanced news, how can our Democracy thrive?
Mr Schieffer doesn't have to worry about anyone making a movie about his life and career. He'll never be an Edward R. Murrow!