For a brief moment this past winter the women of America raised their
heads and dared.
We dared to dream!
We dared to believe!
We dared to do the impossible!
We dared to think that women would be taken seriously!
For that one brief shining moment, all the slights and discrimination we have faced as women were overcome by visions of our possiblities. All the times we were told: "girls can't do that" were overshadowed by the possiblity that we could now do anything. They called us silly women when we asked for the vote, when we demanded to be doctors, judges, generals and congressman. Whenever we demanded our rights, we were being ridiculous. But for that one glorious moment a woman was being seriously considered for President of the United States.
Elderly women (who have fought for women's equality since women's vote was new--dared to believe that they would live to see a woman become President. Younger women raised our heads in pride as we watched Hillary's grace, pride, strength, and intelligence forge a path toward the Democratic nomination through a gauntlet of sexism. We dared to dream that our world would truly change! Girls saw, for the first time, that all doors were open to them. They dared to do the impossible!
Glorious as the moment was, it was after all--only a moment. An ephemeral glimpse into an alternate reality. Our reality came crashing down upon women and our hopes and dreams.While we mourned in devastation, Obama announced that his selection as nominee had made history and now the whole globe can heal. Women should get over it and support him. His statement that because he was selected America is making history denied the fact that his opportunity had come at the expense of women's opportunity to make history. Apparently he can not grasp the importance of the opportunity women have been denied. Does he truly believe that women can heal from the oppression and discrimination we have faced throughout our lives because he is President instead of Hillary? Does he not respect, recognize, or appreciate the discrimination that women face? It is as if he doesn't take our rights seriously, because they are not important to him. Once again--we are just silly women after all--striving beyond our station in life.
While Kim Gandy continues to state that women are grieving--there is
more to it than that. Many women are angry. They feel that the process was unfair and they were cheated. Some of these women will not be placated. They will not support Obama. They will withhold their vote in protest.
Some are still struggling to bring themselves around to
support him. They are waiting for something more from him. Something
more than the salt he has poured into our wounds. They are waiting for
him to demonstrate some real appreciation and support for women's
struggle. Women are waiting for the man (who claims to be the great unifier) to recognise and legitimize our loss as valid. They are waiting for him to value our rights and take our struggle seriously.
For one brief shining moment women dared to believe that we were equal. It was the hope and dream of our lives. How can we believe that
Obama cares about women and women's rights, when clearly he cannot appreciate the significance of our loss.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
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