Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Haliburton Covers up Rape and Sexual Harassment Against Women Employees.

While enjoying the benefit of government contracts, Haliburton (KBR) has been covering up acts of sexual harassment, rape and kidnapping against women employees. Rather than filing charges against (or even firing the men) they fired women, who chose to press charges.

Corporations which enjoy the benefits of our tax dollars must face extra scrutiny. They must prove that they are providing a workplace that is free from discrimination. It must be one that offers equal opportunities to everyone, where sexual harassment is dealt with harshly. Most assuredly the rapes and gang rape that occured at Halliburton should have been dealt with severly (to the full extent of the law). http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/13/world/middleeast/13contractors.html?_r=1

Sgt. Maj. Teresa L. King Becomes First Woman to be Top Drill Sergeant.

No woman has ever run one of the army's rigorous shools for drill instructors. Today, Sgt King becomes the first. Accd. to NYT's just 8% of the active-duty Army's highest ranking enlisted soldiers are women--even though more than 13% of Army personnel are female. Prohibitions against women serving in combat is cited as one reason for this discrepency. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/22/us/22sergeant.html?th&emc=th

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ill-Gotten Gains

When Terry O'Neill decided to visit Ithaca, our chapter deceided that the critical issue to address right now is health care reform. Our Country has an opportunity to take a step forward, but appears to be poised to actually take a step backwards. It is better to do nothing than pass Baucus' plan. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/17/health/policy/17health.html?_r=1&th&emc=th
Governement taxes us and provides us with services. That is the role of government---To promote the general welfare. I read it in one of those dusty old documents we keep in the Smithstonian.
We just keep forgetting about it. The problem with Baucus' plan is that it forces people to buy into private insurance. This is in essence allowing the insurance companies to tax American citizens. Unlike when we are taxed by the government, we will have no representation there. We can't vote out the insurance companies CEO! We can't vote on their bloated salaries? We will have no say, when they raise our taxes.
Taxation without representation! We fought a revolution against that. A little before my time, but I heard that we won. Not the insurance companies!

Insurance Companies profit off illness. They turn around and use their "ill-gotten gains" to fight against real health care reform. Do we really want to subsidize them and make them stronger?
We need to oppose the Baucus plan vigorously. It is a step backwards.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rape Is Not A Joke

OK-- So many people thing that if there is more than a token number of women in politics that women are taking over. Our culture doesn't see this as sexism.
Many think that cultural sexism is acceptable because it is cultural or condoned by religon.
Women still only make about 70 cents to every dollar men make.
As wrong as all this is it is totally outrageous and unacceptable to make jokes about rape!
Russell Brand joked at the MTV music video awards, about drugging Megan Fox and raping her. More outrageos than the comment was that virtually no one commented on it. While President Obama called West a "Jackass" for an outburst at the program. He has been silent about Brand's denigration of all women.
People who proclaim themselves feminists. People who even proclaim to care about women need to speak up. It is not acceptable to use women for sex. It is not acceptable to have sex with a woman without her consent. It is not acceptable to joke about it or create the appearance that rape is funny, amusing, or acceptable.
Enough--Society must speak up. This behavior cannot be condoned!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post to healthcare blog Thanks!

Why are we the only wealthy industrialized country that has thousands of uninsured citizens? These other countries offer single payer insurance except a for few that combine private and public insurance options, e.g. Holland. Despite being capitalist countries, they believe that healthcare for all is a necessity. I suppose we need to study their healthcare history to understand how this came about in those countries and and what prevented it here. (Think insurance companies?!)
Small, poor countries such as Panama and Costa Rica have very good single payer systems. Here's a recent quote from a Costa Rican paper: "It's been more than 65 years since this small country of 4.6 million people introduced a public health care system. Spending $6,000 less per capita than the United States on health today, Costa Rica boasts a longlife expectancy and an infant mortality rate nearly equal to that of the U.S." ("The Tico Times," " Caja, a Model Health System?" by Chrissie Long, August 21, 2009, p. 1)

Just where is our outrage?

Response to persistence of Sexism blog of 9/12

One reason sexism persists is that social change tends to be slothfully slow just like our present Congress in action. It takes years of educating people through plodding, prodding and repetition to make the positive changes we seek. (Look at how long it is taking to create legislation to prevent a worldwide catastrophe due to global climate change. While predictions are dire, people remain nonplussed and mired in entropy.) Another problem is that sexism has become more subtle. In addition, although we see sexism as dysfunctional it still serves some functions otherwise it would vaporize. Recently, we've been told that there are now more women in the workforce than men. At some level, this may look good. But it is not a kudo for women. It could simply mean that some employers would prefer to hire women because they pay them less, are less threatened by them, etc.

Your point about people perceiving some sex roles to be intrinsic is certainly one major roadblock. People don't even think about changing something that is written in DNA.

I may be perceived as soft on the crime of sexism, but my gut feeling is that we just have to continue patiently taking small tripping steps. Sometimes monumental gains are made by a stroke of serendipity but then it's usually back to the pokey glacial grind.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Why is sexism still a socially acceptable ism?

Why is sexism still a socially acceptable ism?

Why is it that people can express sexist views and still be considered politically correct?

Why is it that commercials still portray women cleaning the toilets, vacuuming, and breaking up with their mops?

Why is it that when we see women heros on TV they always have short, tight skirts and low cleavage?
Why is it that we finally have 2 medical shows where the headline charcters are women and both are in the stereotyped role of nurse?

Why are all late night talk show hosts men?

Why are the vast majority of TV political pundits men?

Why is it still acceptable to refer to grown women as girls (as if we are still children who need guidance and protection)?

Why is it seen as acceptable that 50% of the population has only token representation on the US Supreme Court, Congress, and the US Senate.

Why is it socially acceptable to regard women as sex objects rather than whole human beings?

Why is it that society still assumes that there are intrinsic sex roles?

I know that there are alot more whys, but I think that the answer is connected with my last why. The continued acceptance of intrinsic gender roles allows all the other examples of sexism to be acceptable.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Health Care Reform Must Have a Public Option

NOW supports a single payer health care plan, because health care and health insurance is an issue that disproportionately affects women. Women are disproportionately stuck in minimum wage jobs without health insurance. Women who stay home to care for children, are dependant on their husbands health insurance plan. Medicare as an exaple of a government plan, is administered much more efficiently than private health insurance plans, because they don't make a profit. Insurance companies are making a desperate bid to maintain their ability to make a profit off the suffering and illness of people in need of care.

Enough!! Let us get out there and cut through the lies and mud of the insurance companies. We may not be able to get single payer right now, but any health insurance reform needs a public option. We need a vehicle to compete with the insurance companies. Too bad if they can not compete and make a profit. It is more important that we deliver health care to all rather than provide profits for insurance companies.
Write or call President Obama and tell him to lead America toward real health care reform (with a public option).
http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ and 202-456-1111.


Women in Combat

Whether or not we support the war, as feminists we believe that women should be treated equally and have equal opportunities in the military. Women in the military will never be treated as true equals by their male counter parts until they also serve in combat. According to a recent NYT article, GI Jane Breaks the Combat barrier as the War evolves, women are proving themselves in combat roles.

The military is using women more and more in combat roles, even though Congress has relegated women to non-combat roles. Modern combat is not a matter of pure physical strength. In peace keeping actions, inter personal skills may even be a greater advantage than sheer strength. Throughout history, women disquised themselves as men and served in combat. They were so successful that they often went undiscovered. If this weren't proof enough that women are capable, this article proves it.

It is past time that Congress removed the restrictions on women in the military.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Women (Almost) On Top

Women (Almost) On Top. How could I resist reading a Slate article by that headline?
Women on top. I hope to read that we aremaking progress to a point where a majority of women are CEO's, Senators, Governors, or Supreme Court Justices. I hope to read that we might have a woman in a State-wide leadership position.
But no. Of Course this is just my wild hopeful imaginings.

I think maybe women are finally closing the wage gap with men. But this isn't true either.

What they actually mean is that the percentage of women in the work force is increasing to almost 50%. Partly because the better paying jobs that mostly men have held no longer exist and more men are out work. It seems the only thing that women are on top of, is a willingness to work minimum wage service jobs.What warped mind could see this as being on top?