Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Haliburton Covers up Rape and Sexual Harassment Against Women Employees.

While enjoying the benefit of government contracts, Haliburton (KBR) has been covering up acts of sexual harassment, rape and kidnapping against women employees. Rather than filing charges against (or even firing the men) they fired women, who chose to press charges.

Corporations which enjoy the benefits of our tax dollars must face extra scrutiny. They must prove that they are providing a workplace that is free from discrimination. It must be one that offers equal opportunities to everyone, where sexual harassment is dealt with harshly. Most assuredly the rapes and gang rape that occured at Halliburton should have been dealt with severly (to the full extent of the law). http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/13/world/middleeast/13contractors.html?_r=1

Sgt. Maj. Teresa L. King Becomes First Woman to be Top Drill Sergeant.

No woman has ever run one of the army's rigorous shools for drill instructors. Today, Sgt King becomes the first. Accd. to NYT's just 8% of the active-duty Army's highest ranking enlisted soldiers are women--even though more than 13% of Army personnel are female. Prohibitions against women serving in combat is cited as one reason for this discrepency. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/22/us/22sergeant.html?th&emc=th