Saturday, October 17, 2009

Judicial Nominations

Everytime (in recent history) Democrats have a President in the Whitehouse--Republicans hold up judicial nominations. During Clinton's term Republicans had control of the Senate and the held the Judiciary Committee in thrall to their own agenda.
So now when Democrats have a majority (and theoretically a filibuster proof majority), why has Obama been able to get only 3 of his 23 nominations on the bench. 90 Judiciary seats reamin empty and cases are backing up.
Republicans continue to hold our Country captive with their annonymous holds and filibuster threats. It is obvious to everyone else (if not yet to Obama) that bipartisanship won't work. Obama wishes to reduce partisan rancor over judicial nominations. One has to wonder how that could ever happen? As long as Democrats appoint judges who believe in the right to privacy and individual rights, Republicnas will be vehemently opposed.
The best part about having Democrats in control is that, we get to put judges on the bench who agree with us. Many women voted for Obama to protect the courts--not to appease Republicans.
The Democrats need to rally their majority to stand together and do the job they were elected to do. Obama needs to lead them and stop fretting about what the Republicans want. The Republicans want to be back in control. If the Democrats let the Republicans immobolize them, the people will return control to the Republicans.

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