Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post to healthcare blog Thanks!

Why are we the only wealthy industrialized country that has thousands of uninsured citizens? These other countries offer single payer insurance except a for few that combine private and public insurance options, e.g. Holland. Despite being capitalist countries, they believe that healthcare for all is a necessity. I suppose we need to study their healthcare history to understand how this came about in those countries and and what prevented it here. (Think insurance companies?!)
Small, poor countries such as Panama and Costa Rica have very good single payer systems. Here's a recent quote from a Costa Rican paper: "It's been more than 65 years since this small country of 4.6 million people introduced a public health care system. Spending $6,000 less per capita than the United States on health today, Costa Rica boasts a longlife expectancy and an infant mortality rate nearly equal to that of the U.S." ("The Tico Times," " Caja, a Model Health System?" by Chrissie Long, August 21, 2009, p. 1)

Just where is our outrage?

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