Thursday, September 03, 2009

Women (Almost) On Top

Women (Almost) On Top. How could I resist reading a Slate article by that headline?
Women on top. I hope to read that we aremaking progress to a point where a majority of women are CEO's, Senators, Governors, or Supreme Court Justices. I hope to read that we might have a woman in a State-wide leadership position.
But no. Of Course this is just my wild hopeful imaginings.

I think maybe women are finally closing the wage gap with men. But this isn't true either.

What they actually mean is that the percentage of women in the work force is increasing to almost 50%. Partly because the better paying jobs that mostly men have held no longer exist and more men are out work. It seems the only thing that women are on top of, is a willingness to work minimum wage service jobs.What warped mind could see this as being on top?

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