Friday, September 04, 2009

Women in Combat

Whether or not we support the war, as feminists we believe that women should be treated equally and have equal opportunities in the military. Women in the military will never be treated as true equals by their male counter parts until they also serve in combat. According to a recent NYT article, GI Jane Breaks the Combat barrier as the War evolves, women are proving themselves in combat roles.

The military is using women more and more in combat roles, even though Congress has relegated women to non-combat roles. Modern combat is not a matter of pure physical strength. In peace keeping actions, inter personal skills may even be a greater advantage than sheer strength. Throughout history, women disquised themselves as men and served in combat. They were so successful that they often went undiscovered. If this weren't proof enough that women are capable, this article proves it.

It is past time that Congress removed the restrictions on women in the military.


1 comment:

KarenB said...

By serving their combat roles well, women are confirming what we always knew: that they are equal to men. It is helpful for the public to know this too because it is one way to reduce societal sexism. Unfortunately, women have been slow to attain these combat roles. They are now achieving them more because the military NEEDS them than because of their own adeptness. Surely the military will recognize this soon.